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Listening with UpYourTeleSales

If you’ve been reading along this is a repeat – well it’s actually the table of contents list for listening; combining both the newsletters and my blogs about listening.
Don’t Bother Asking… without LISTENING back in February kicked off the whole thing, because the only reason to ask questions, is to listen to their answers!
Listening came up again in chapter 7 of Think Again, by Adam Grant which is the reading choice of a book group I lead (where everyone reads one chapter a week – then we discuss how we’ll implement the ideas, I’d love to do more of these so let me know if you’re interested). “How the right kind of listening motivates people to change” is the subheading of the chapter.

Listening Table of Contents

Old School Listening Posts

aka from before this recent BURSTfocus® on the topic
#Video If you like to watch and listen – check out the Listening Skill Snap Series, each video is 3 minutes or less!  

Whew, you made it to the bottom! I was starting to doubt my idea of putting all these posts into one place. Thanks for sticking around until the end.
ps: one more thing…  there is actually an International Listening Association

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