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Spotlight on Andrea Waltz

In March, A Chip off the Block was all about having a process to handle NO in prospecting:

This may be why it feels like the perfect time to review When They Say No – the definitive guide for handling rejection in sales.

Way back when I met Andrea Waltz and was introduced to Go for No! which read like a parable rather than every other sales book I’d ever picked up. A great story, and because I was paying attention to the little pieces – I found many fabulous sales lessons were included.

“When average salespeople hear the word NO, they think the sale is over. When top sales performers hear NO, they think things are just getting started.”

When They Say No, pg 23

That’s where this how-to book begins, with our personal relationship with the word NO. Have you figured out what you think and feel when you hear a NO? if you haven’t, now is the perfect time to figure it out.

It may be wrong but one of the things I love the most about When They Say No is that each piece of advice, thing to think about, tip on what to do – is only TWO PAGES. Plus, the order in which you read them doesn’t actually matter.

My advice is to flip through the book or check out the table of contents PART TWO: When They Say “NO” and flip to the page that feels the craziest to you to read. Why? Well, you’re the only one who knows if You Shouldn’t Be Surprised (pg 53) or You Should Be Surprised (pg 55) will resonate with how you personally feel about NO.

So get to work, buy the book and you’ll have forty-seven, two-page tips on handling NO at your fingertips!

REMEMBER; don’t take anything in sales personally,

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