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Four Strategic Self-Belief Questions

Positive Belief is one of the six traits that are part of your Success Toolbox.

Positive belief isn’t viewing the world through rose-colored glasses – instead, it is the belief that you PERSONALLY can impact a positive outcome on your current situation.

Some days, in my experience, it can be tough to Believe.

It’s difficult…

  • When I’ve not had enough sleep
  • If I just lost a significant deal
  • When I’ve heard bad news personally
  • If I need to overcome technical obstacles that sap my enthusiasm
  • On days when some difficult individual steps into my world

How about you?

What are the things that make it more difficult to believe in yourself?

From a strategic standpoint, it’s worth thinking about in advance. So ask yourself these four questions:

  1. What can I do to minimize the number of times I find myself in those situations?
  2. What can I do to reduce the emotional drain I allow others to impose on my world?
  3. How can I structure my days with more positive input to help me weather the challenges?
  4. How can I ask for help in a way that fits my comfort zone?

I wish I had a magic answer. I don’t.

The best thing is to experiment and find what works for you. Life and work will always have their ups and downs, and it’s good to know what types of tools work for you personally.

For me, I keep little reminders for myself to Believe…even if it is a word carved in stone.

With belief in you,

ps. If you need just a few adjustments to help you do better in sales, I do that, too. We’ll have a few conversations and some assignments, and then we’ll circle back to see how it is working for you. These personal coaching sessions can make a surprising difference. I believe in you! Let me know if you’d like to learn more.

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