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BURSTfocus® Revisited

You’ve probably read my view on multitasking and “Why BURSTfocus® Boosts Inside Sales Productivity” — yet like building any habit, it bears repeating! 

A BURST of FOCUSED activity
+ a firm endpoint
+ clear steps of progress
= Amplified Productivity

Below is an outline of how the program works best in my work with sales professionals of all types and ability levels.

Before you get started, it’s important to be realistic. I find that short bursts of productivity are all most salespeople can handle when putting in extreme levels of focused effort.

Step 1 = Set your BURSTfocus® endpoint

We need a short-term objective that is tangible AND will allow us to see the progress we are making toward our goals. Seeing progress is a satisfying reward for the brain, and it keeps us engaged.

In my research, I have found that sales professionals can incorporate BURSTfocus® into their weekly, and even daily, routines to amplify their productivity.

Step 2 = Choose a duration

When I work with clients on the BURSTfocus® process, we determine the optimal length of time they can focus on just one task, which I also call “monotasking.” (Yes, monotasking is the opposite of multitasking. Dr. Glenn Wilson of The INFOMANIA Study and Stanford University; Media Multitaskers Study proves multitasking is inefficient and counterproductive!)

Once we determine the optimal length of time, we assign a slot for the BURSTfocus® activity ON the calendar.

  • Perhaps set a time each day to focus for an hour on a highly targeted task.
  • Someone who can sustain their intense focus will spend perhaps an hour and a half instead.
  • You can even set multiple times each day on different BURSTfocus® activities.

You can see that we don’t want to apply BURSTfocus® all day, every day.

We do want to utilize it strategically and daily!

Because BURSTfocus® uses your brain to its full potential, it’s important that you remove distractions. I don’t have to tell you what those are, but let’s JUST say that most of us need to turn off our cell phones and shut down email.

Step 3 = Look at what you accomplished

Clear steps of progress are key to amplified productivity in our formula. If you never look back at your time and see what you’ve accomplished, you are missing this piece completely.

In addition, when we recognize and celebrate our progress, we encourage our brain to keep going with our scheduled BURSTfocus® activity without making excuses or putting it off.

Bonus Step – choose an accountability partner

Regardless of what you decide works for you, much like exercising, you may find it easier to stick to the program and more fun when you have an accountability partner.

If someone in your cube needs to focus on the same activity, try working on the same thing – which will increase your chances of success (especially if you’re an extrovert or competitive!).

Here is to BURSTING the myth of multitasking!

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