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Born or Made? The Inside Sales Essentials

Someone once asked me, “Lynn, are great salespeople born or made?”
It’s like asking if I’d rather have a burger fresh off the grill or a sizzling Kielbasa.
When it comes to sales, it’s all about the perfect blend: Nature and Nurture. 

Nature’s Edge

Certain traits can naturally give you a head start in sales:

  • Personality
  • Charisma
  • Love of Learning
  • Positive Attitude

These traits might make the journey smoother, but they aren’t the whole story. For instance…

Nurtured Skills

There are vital skills you can develop over time:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resilience
  • Mastery of the Sales Process
  • Effective Listening and Questioning

As I pondered these traits, I realized that for every successful salesperson who comes to mind, there’s someone else with a different approach yet equally successful. So, what do all successful salespeople have in common? Let’s dive into that.

The Essential Traits of Successful Salespeople

  1. Work Ethic: You must be willing to put in the hard work, whatever that means for you. Successful salespeople consistently do the things that others avoid.
  2. Positive Belief: This isn’t about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It’s about believing that YOU can positively influence your situation.
  3. Personal Responsibility: Own your actions. Understand that every step forward or backward in sales is due to the choices you make. Be prepared to face the consequences of your actions, both good and bad.
  4. Stretch Mentality: This goes beyond goal setting. It’s about pushing yourself beyond your current limits in every aspect—mentally, physically, emotionally. Stretching keeps you agile and ready for opportunities.
  5. Curiosity: Successful salespeople are curious about everything—their prospects, their industry, their craft. This curiosity drives them to continually learn and grow.
  6. Courage: As my Dad used to say, courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s moving forward despite it. Success in sales often comes from taking action even when you’re afraid.

Now that we’ve outlined what makes a successful salesperson, the question of being “Born or Made” becomes irrelevant.

Whether you’re naturally gifted or you’ve developed these traits along the way, remember:

  1. Focus on your strengths and leverage them.
  2. Be humble enough to recognize and work on your weaknesses.
  3. Continuously push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

In the pursuit of success,

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