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Change Is Hard, pick ONE small action

“Continuing is always easier than change.” This is something my coach and I discuss frequently. It’s probably the main reason I have a coach.

We’ve all developed sales habits over time—habits that didn’t form overnight but over years. Many of these habits have become so ingrained that we don’t even think about them. So, when it comes to changing the habits that no longer yield the results we want, it’s understandably difficult.

Here’s why change is hard:

  • At some point, the behavior got us the result we were looking for.
  • We are comfortable in the behavior, even if we don’t like the current results.
  • It’s scary to think that the change might be even worse than what we have now.

Instead of focusing solely on the long-term result, try picking a way to track the act of doing the new “thing.” Turn it into a game and reward yourself for the effort.

For example:

Trying to build relationships at the “C-level”?
Action: Make phone calls to 10 C-level executives each day this week.
Reward: Enjoy coffee with a friend on Saturday.

Need more contacts within each account?
Action: Before calling your usual contact, dial the main number and ask for someone else on “the team.”
Reward: Treat yourself to ice cream at 3:00 PM if you do this every time.

Make the joy in the change outweigh the difficulty of doing it! Focus on the small steps instead of just the long-term goal. Find a way to make it fun. Harness your competitive spirit and challenge someone on your team to a friendly contest so you have company.

What small change can you start with today to make a difference in your career?

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