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Prioritization Resource List

It’s been a while since I collected resources and shared them with you. Yet the last two weeks’ prioritizations, Embrace Prioritization = The Key to Dynamic Inside Sales Leadership and Elevate Your Inside Sales Game = Master the Art of Prioritization called out for a resource list.
Most people in sales, both leaders and individual contributors, share they end up caught in reactive mode.

  • Inbound requests that require attention so you stop what you’re doing…
  • Meetings are called by other people at the last minute and you have to stop what you’re doing…
  • Information you need pops into your inbox so you stop what you’re doing and work on finishing your part…

The central theme is STOPPING what you’re doing! Regardless of it’s importance to you and reaching what you set out to accomplish for the day.
Mastering the Clock: A Comprehensive Guide to Time and Task Prioritization for Today’s Leaders, my personal goal from this resource is to “Start with small, intentional steps…”
The Art of Prioritizing by Anita Sambol although I dislike the thought that work is like eating a frog – there are some good tips here.
10 Best Prioritization Techniques in 2024 gives you choices of different ways to prioritize, the best part is this gives you different tools that may work better on a given day or week depending on how overwhelmed you’re feeling and/or how much brainpower you have available to actually prioritize!
This brings us to the Eisenhower Matrix, which Stephen Covey translated for business in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, here is an Asana article explaining how to use it.
My favorite part, is “Eliminate unnecessary tasks first to effectively prioritize.” How often do we have things on our list that got there because they WERE important but no longer are. Either because our goals have changed – or they’re not getting the result we want any longer.
The funny thing, sometimes when I ask people about prioritization they tell me they know how to prioritize but get pulled off track. This makes me wonder if the priories they picked are theirs at all…
Going off to choose my priorities,

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