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Transparency in Leadership

A few years ago, I found myself standing on the northeastern shore of Ireland, gazing across the Irish Sea toward Scotland. The distance between these two points, on a clear day, is starkly visible, offering a sense of closeness despite the physical separation.
This is how transparent you need to be as a leader. Just as the Irish Sea does not permanently conceal Scotland from view, nothing should obscure the visibility of expectations, the flow of information, or the understanding of how decisions are made within your organization.

Transparency is Key

Being transparent in leadership means adopting an open-book approach where the pages are not only visible but readable by everyone.
It’s about ensuring that your team knows not just what is expected of them, but also why those expectations exist and how they align with the larger goals of the organization.

  • Expectations should be as clear as the view across the sea on a sunny day.
    Everyone on your team should understand what is expected of them. This clarity helps in aligning individual goals with the organizational objectives, making every effort count towards the bigger picture.
  • Information should flow freely.
    Just as the waters of the Irish Sea flow unhindered, information within your organization should circulate without barriers. Keeping your team informed builds trust and ensures that everyone has the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
  • The process of how decisions are made should be visible.
    It’s essential to demystify the decision-making process, allowing your team to understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the decisions that affect their work. Their understanding of the process fosters a sense of involvement and commitment to the shared goals.

Navigating the Foggy Days

Of course, some days you can’t see Scotland from Ireland. This reality doesn’t just apply to geographical visibility but to leadership transparency as well. There will be times when, due to various reasons, you cannot be as open as you would like to be.
Whether it’s sensitive information that cannot be shared freely or strategic decisions that require confidentiality, these are the foggy days where visibility is reduced.

Low Visibility at Night

Sometimes, leadership involves navigating through the uncertainties and challenges where visibility is near zero. These moments test the strength and resilience of your leadership.
However, it’s during these times that your commitment to transparency, within the permissible boundaries, becomes crucial. It’s about keeping the beacon lit for your team, guiding them through the fog and darkness with as much clarity as possible.
Just as clear days return, allowing for a vivid view from Ireland to Scotland, so too will the opportunities for you to lead with transparency. Embrace these moments and strengthen the trust within your team, to build a culture of openness, and to navigate together towards your common goals with a clear vision.
Remember, transparency in leadership is not just about what you reveal but also how you lead through the fog. It’s about maintaining integrity, fostering trust, and building a resilient team that can weather the uncertainties together.
Just as the view of Scotland from Ireland, your leadership should strive to be clear, navigable, and, above all, transparent.
Transparently yours,

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