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Unless today’s your first day in sales, I feel like a new year needs a reKick-Off rather than a kick-off.
Why? You aren’t starting from scratch, you’re starting from where you were yesterday – backed by everything you’ve already learned and implemented.
Which makes the questions to ask yourself MUCH different.
What do I need to:

  • KEEP doing for my success?
  • STOP doing to be more successful?
  • LEARN to reach my goals?
  • START consistently doing?

Over the next four weeks, we will do a deep dive into each question.

Right NOW is the perfect time to do an inventory of your:

  • Skills you leverage… and perhaps those you don’t.
  • Talents you love… especially if you’ve not figured out how to leverage them at work.
  • Things your customers have told you are important to them.

Feedback and Suggestions: We’d love to hear your thoughts on this edition and any topics you’d like us to cover in the future. Click reply to drop us a line!

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