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End the Year Strong – 8 Inside Sales Tips

Working to end the year strong – will also help to kick off next year!

Everyone I talk with who has a fiscal year end that matches the calendar year end are FREAKING OUT.

Welcome to the Inside Sales “the endings” version: it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s the month, the quarter, the year – the endings are always a scramble!

Which got me thinking about what tips would impact inside sales people to finish their year strong that will ALSO help kick off next year in a place of less worry and anxiety:

  1. RECRUIT; prospects to become 1st time customers before the end of the year.
  2. RETAIN; existing customers and find out what they would need to buy more.
  3. INSPIRE; yourself to keep calling!
  4. MOTIVATE; yourself by making sales activity into a game.
  5. LEAD; where you used to follow.
  6. NEGOTIATE; instead of saying yes.
  7. ASSESS; what is missing from your own performance.
  8. DEVELOP; new skills and good inside sales habits.

Which sounds simple, but will not be easy to do.

That is why it is critical to choose ONE thing each day that you want to change – work on it all day and figure out what you’ll need to do to turn it into a habit.

Need an example?
RECRUIT; prospects to become 1st time customers before the end of the year.
step 1 = figure out a low risk (from their perspective) purchase
step 2 = put an expiration date on it that will give them enough time to go through their process AND give you the sales recognition prior to year end.
step 3 = figure out who you’ll target with the offer
step 4 = write out your opening statement / voicemail message / email follow up
step 5 = CALL

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