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UPDATED: Inside Sales Leadership Tips

back in 2014 I wrote about 11 Inside Sales Leadership Intention Tips and then in 2021 I posted Sales Leadership 7 Self Belief Tips and based on some conversations I’ve had recently – it’s time to revise and repost!

Define Success for Yourself: this has been my mantra for years! Knowing your personal goals – then figuring out where they fit in your organization – will ensure your vision of success resonates with the broader objectives of your team and organization​.

Take Stock of Your Accomplishments: Embrace personal accountability, recognizing your achievements, and learning from setbacks. This forms a part of self-leadership which is crucial for inspiring and empowering your teams​​.

Ask for Feedback: Be open to receiving and acting upon feedback from your team to improve strategies and processes, fostering a high-performance environment​.

Participate in a Mastermind Group of Your Peers: Engage in continuous self-development by interacting with peers, learning new trends, and expanding your knowledge, which in turn nurtures a culture of continuous learning within your team​.

Schedule Time for Yourself: To be truly effective – make sure you have time in your week giving you space for thinking. Both personal growth AND strategic decisions require uninterrupted time!

Ensure Work-Life Priorities Stay Top of Mind: I don’t believe in “work-life balance” because that makes it seem like they are even. Instead set your priorities in work AND in life – making sure you hold to them! This holistic approach will contribute to your overall ability to be successful​.

Look Outside Your Organization: Explore mentorship opportunities and build relationships with sales leaders outside your organization for a broader perspective and enhanced self-belief. Engage in forums and platforms where you can share and gain insights on sales leadership.

Embrace Emotional Intelligence and Resilience: Cultivate emotional intelligence to build strong relationships and navigate challenges effectively. Resilience will equip you to handle setbacks and adapt to changes, which are inevitable in the dynamics of your inside sales environment​.

Adopt a Tech-Savvy Approach: Stay updated on significant advancements in sales tech to maintain a competitive edge, ensuring that your team has access to the tools and resources necessary for success​.

Nurture Authenticity and Self-Leadership: Stay true to your values, exhibit self-leadership, and create a positive work environment where trust and collaboration thrive. This foundation of self-leadership will underpin your self-belief and consequently, the self-belief of your team.

Hopefully, these enhanced tips help you integrate a blend of self-leadership, emotional intelligence, resilience, and a balanced approach to personal and professional development! Always aim to bolster your own self-belief and effectiveness in your inside sales leadership role.

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