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Are we THERE yet?

In every sales career there are times that make you ask “Are we THERE yet?” The crazy thing is it’s not only not having reached the career destination you have in mind, it may also be that you aren’t enjoying the ride.
But you know I believe attitude is something you have complete control over. Which is why it’s critical to keep making the journey itself enjoyable.

Think back to the road trips you’ve enjoyed, what are the commonalities?

Traveling Companions
Perhaps the most important thing in any of life’s journeys is the people traveling along with you. Make sure both the company you work for AND the people you work closest with are those you want to spend time with.

2000 hours or more a year will be awful if spent with companions you don’t have positive feelings about (trust, admiration, friendship, you choose the feelings that are important to you).

Roadside Attractions
I’ve been on trips where the furious pace doesn’t allow for any stops beyond the travel center bathroom stops. Then there was the time my husband and I stopped because we saw dinosaur statues off in the distance. The memory still makes me smile.

It didn’t divert us for a day or even hours, a few minutes wandering around allowed us to stretch our legs, take that bathroom break, pick up snacks, and make memories.

I don’t doubt you can incorporate those kinds of moments into your workday!

The Snacks
Everyone has different ideas of the perfect travel food. The important part is to not run out of fuel; for yourself. You need energy just like the vehicle you’re riding in for your road trip.

Think about the things that energize you to keep putting in sales effort. Make sure you’ve stocked up AND that you stopped off for more when your energy is getting low.
I grew up in a family that sang our way to our destinations – I mean that literally – my Mom would bring her banjo ukulele and we would sing. Which also means I now sing along with the radio or a playlist in the car.
I was traveling with a friend of mine, who punched me while yelling PUNCH BUG recently…
Someone told me they’re still on the lookout for a Manitoba license plate when driving, as that is the one they missed seeing first on their childhood cross-country trip and siblings still bring it up.
We need those types of things in our work days to keep us going; games to play and songs to sing to make the journey seem to go more quickly.

Those are the four things I find important on my road trips, be sure to Insert What’s Important to YOU!
Then it’s time for you to look at where you are in your sales career and answer a few questions for yourself:

  • Is the destination I chose still somewhere I want to end up?
  • Are the people/company I’m traveling with good companions?
  • Do I have enough fuel to get where I’m going next (on my way to my destination)?
  • How can I make my career journey more enjoyable?

Let’s hit the road,

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