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it’s NOT luck! (unless luck means doing all the right things)

if I could stop salespeople from ONE thing – it would be saying they “got lucky” because they NEVER mean that luck came from their efforts…

Success does not come from luck – it comes from all the effort that was put in up to that point.

ALL THE calls… emails… LinkedIn / social media effort… asking difficult questions… being tenacious following through… creating a plan… putting in the work… doing the research… making sure that little order went well…

Are you still with me?

doing the RIGHT things – putting in the EFFORT – not giving up

YOU are the reason you won that deal, earned the customer’s business, whatever awesomeness happened to you; you didn’t get lucky, you did good work.

So check out this video to remind you that tapping over the domino is the last step to success not the first

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