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Wrapping Up Productivity

Today, think of all the steps you’ve taken in June to become more productive.
Have you allocated your time appropriately? Do you want to continue how you’re spending it into July? Are there things you need to shift?
Have you reclaimed your ability to BURSTfocus®? Are you setting your attention on priorities more than to-dos?
Where are you finding the energy you need for productivity? Have you reduced the energy vampires and maybe even banished a few forever?
My recommendation is that you plop a meeting on your own calendar to review your answers again at the end of July: see if you’ve created new productivity habits that are serving you well.
Productivity is an ever-changing thing – as goals shift we have to change the actions measured to determine if we’re on the right track every day. Plus what worked in the past, may not be as effective as it used to be and that also requires a shift; even though the goal didn’t change.
Which unfortunately means it’s never really wrapped up and we have to keep working on our productivity.
Still a work in progress,

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