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STOP doing things that don’t serve your purpose

To STOP doing things that don’t serve your purpose, does mean you have to figure out what
your purpose is… which is simple to say but not easy to do!

Let’s not go all metaphysical – root the question in the practical, in the productive, in your inside sales leadership role.

What inspires you about inside sales?

What is your organization’s vision statement?

Create your “To” statement:
Begin your first draft by taking your inside sales inspiration and figuring out how it fits into your organization’s vision statement.

Add Prospect & Customer Focus:
The second draft fits your vision into what your prospects and customers are trying to achieve.

Your Market
Start by writing down your reach definition;
• What market are you focused on,
• Is there a geographic target,
• Is size part of the definition (based on revenue, number of employees, etc),
• What additional parameters do you use to define your market?

Customer Focus Continued
Now what is your market looking to achieve.
Add in, how your inside sales team fits into their success.

How does your “To” statement sound when it is held up to your prospects’ and customers’ objectives?

Keep working until your vision fits all three areas: your team, the organization, AND within your customers’ objectives.

Then STOP doing things that don’t serve your purpose.

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