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Amplification Factors

I’m a fan of the mock-umentary Spinal Tap and have talked about turning it up to 11 in the past. Which is what I always think of when I hear amplification.
What do you need to make louder, and brighter, where is MORE of something needed to increase your productivity?
It may not involve DOING more (although it may require more effort of some kind), perhaps it has more to do with effectiveness. How and where you spend time is important to your sales success.
Are you focusing (I was going to say ‘on the right things’ but realize perhaps it’s about losing sight of the idea of BURSTfocus® in general)?
Maybe your amplification needs to be around energy. More sleep – gives you more energy. Not taking things personally – removes an energy reducer from your day.
Productivity amplification factors – all come down to having both more (quantity) and more effective conversations with prospects and customers.
This week I’m looking to:

  • utilize time to have more conversations
  • focus on the person without allowing myself to be distracted
  • take my energy to listen more.

Set up your own amplification factors and determine what you need to do this week to have MORE of what’s important for your sales success.

Saying it LOUDER and more emphatically,
ps: next week will be all about making time for the things you’re working to amplify!

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