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30 Day Productivity Challenge


small changes = sustainable” ~ Matt Cutts, try something new for 30 days (3 min 11 second video)

Interesting that my TED recommendation this week matches up perfectly with the fact I’m rereading Atomic Habits by James Clear AND focused on productivity for virtual sales teams.

I’m going to throw out a 30 Day Productivity Challenge to you – not to set for your team. Instead for YOURSELF. Choose one very specific task or activity you’ve been thinking about BUT not doing.

  1. what would it make better in your day?
  2. how difficult is it to add to what you’re already doing?
  3. where does it easily fit in with something you already have scheduled?
  4. why aren’t you doing it?

After answering those four questions: is it still on your “I’d like to do” list? If it is – commit to 30 days. See what happens, I’ll ask you about it later!

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