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The Soltice and Sales

Yesterday was the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. You may wonder what that has to do with sales.


A traditional solstice greeting is “may the light always remind us of the sun that is soon going to return.”

In sales to keep going through dark times, you have to look at each glimmer of good things to light your way.

Don’t focus on the dark:

  • External Factors – bad economic forecasts, layoffs at big companies, tragic industry news
  • Company Stuff – those everyday things that make sales just a little bit harder
  • Specific to YOU – lost deals, shifts in client priorities, frustrations of daily sales activity

Instead, every single day, look for the light.

Focus on the good conversations you have with prospects and customers. A deal – big or small – to make you smile.

Make sure you are controlling how you spend your time, the activities you’re doing, your choice of attitude.

I don’t mean to imply this is easy to do, because it isn’t. The dividends of putting in the effort to see the light moments, the smiles, your wins will continue to pay off long into the future.

The habit of seeing the good, doesn’t mean you ignore the rest – rather you’re always reminded that good times and success will return.

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