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3 Minutes on Saying Thank You

Inside sales is very metric-driven (not that I have to tell you that) and sometimes we forget the human side of our career: both in leading a team and selling!

Today (and let’s face it ALWAYS) I’m going to suggest you consider “what you are thankful for ABOUT THEM”

The people who work WITH you and FOR you.
Your Prospects.
Your customers.

This week (every week?), take a moment and write down one thing about each person on your team you are thankful for PLUS share it with that person. Here is a list from some people I work with to get your brain started:

  • stay positive even when I can’t believe they aren’t screaming with frustration
  • challenge my assumptions by asking great questions
  • make me laugh
  • know when they need to ask for help AND asks
  • willing to try uncomfortable things
  • believing in me, especially when I have trouble believing in myself
  • see how we’re better together than individually
  • share what works and create best practices for themselves
  • hold me accountable

How about your prospects & customers; here is a smattering of what I’m grateful for:

  • belief that my ideas are valuable
  • willingness to change perspectives
  • conviction in your team’s ability
  • our shared sarcasm
  • your ability to make work FUN
  • the faith you put in me
  • how much you care about your salespeople

adding a few about people I coach and train regularly:

  • understanding that improvement takes effort
  • trust in the coaching process
  • your culture of continuous learning

When things are going well – gratitude makes them even better.

When things are going badly – one glimmer of gratitude can turn the day around.

Thank the people who make you thankful.

With Gratitude,

ps: I appreciate you listening – learning – connecting with me.

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