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Ask More Questions on Timeframe – Priority – Commitment

Ask More Questions

thanks to Sarah Cashman for the picture

October is known, at least among my friends, as the Month of Lynn (much to my husband’s eternal chagrin and disappointment). In part because Halloween is my favorite holiday.

Last year I posted You’ve been GHOSTED (video).

It’s still true that more often than not, salespeople who end up ghosted didn’t ask enough questions about their prospect’s Timeframe – Priority – Commitment!


NOT when you want to close the deal, ask questions to uncover when the prospect needs:

  • Proposal received
  • To make a decision
  • Schedule their next internal meeting
  • Place an order, sign the contract, get started (with you or someone else)
  • Do whatever it is
  • Receive product
  • Be done & have it all completed


Of course, every deal is super important to you, the salesperson!

For your client, perhaps something ELSE is more important – or has become more important since your last conversation.

Competing priorities are something many salespeople don’t ask about.

  • What else does your team need to finish by _________ (insert their WHEN)?
    … see what I did there
  • Where would you rank this in your top 3 priority list?
    … once someone told me 27th
  • What happens if you don’t __________ (insert their desired result)?
    … tie what they’re buying to that thing they told you was a priority


The fact you’re committed to winning the business – doesn’t mean THEY’RE committed to you.

When the prospect / customer is not committed to you as their choice, they don’t have a compelling reason to call you back or respond to your email. Commitment is what creates obligation to keep moving forward.

Make sure you gain a commitment for the next LOGICAL step for them to take:

  • In their buying process
  • With you
  • To get to their desired outcome

Have a spooktacular (Halloween isn’t here, but it’s coming) week,

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