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Can’t spell value without YOU

I believe that every single salesperson does something that is unique. Like Deloss Webber’s Blessings.
If I told you that I’d just purchased wrapped rocks, without the image – you’d probably think WTF. Even if I described it as rattan weaving around stone, your mind probably would have been blank – unable to conjure an image.
Yet now, with a picture, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
The unique things you do for your customers is the same.
YOU don’t know what it is, until you ask ACTUALLY ASK your customers.
When you ask, “why do you buy from me?” write down exactly what they say.
No editing, no naming, no labeling. Write down what they share is important to them.
PLUS: don’t ask only one customer, ask many, ask multiple people from the same organization. Gather as many answers as you can.
Once you have them all together, look for the commonalities – what turns up over and over again. That is your personal, unique value.
I’m going to take a wild guess and say you didn’t know how important that was to people. It’s something you “just do” that may feel effortless and easy… therefore not valuable.
Yet what is easy and effortless to you – is not to your customers.
Like Deloss Webber’s work, I couldn’t do it. Yet it is valuable enough to me that I couldn’t choose just one, so I bought three. In the moment I may have justified the purchase by saying I’d give two of them away as gifts… but I’m not, they’re MINE. I’m keeping them.
You have value like that as well – figure out what it is.
THEN: start looking and listening for prospects who need your unique value.
They’re your next best customers!
All my best,
ps: if you’re so inclined, click reply and let me know why you keep reading my newsletter – answering “what do you find valuable about me?”
pps: for more of Deloss Webber’s work check out his website. He also has a new exhibition at Patricia Rovzar Gallery.

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