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One Day of Practice

We’re busy, and adding new habits takes time.
What if we gave ourselves one day to try out a new habit?
Just ONE day.
To get started, we can support new behaviors by revisiting the process that worked for us in the past.
We all have added and substracted habits in our lives. How did we do it?
Take a moment to put yourself in a meditative memory state.
Think back to a successful habit you added into your life:

  • What did it feel like to add a new, positive habit?
  • What made you start the habit?
  • Who was present in your life?
  • Did others support your success?
  • What made you keep going?
  • Did you anchor the new habit to an existing habit?
  • How long did it take to feel like you were on autopilot and the habit was truly ingrained?
  • How do you feel about the habit today?

With your new insight, can you take that successful process and transfer it to a habit you want to try in a one-day period?

For the new one-day habit:

  1. Determine why you’re interested in this particular habit.
  2. Write down how you will try it out for the day.
  3. Lay out all the steps – even ESPECIALLY the little steps – that are needed for success.
  4. List which of your existing strengths will support you.
  5. Note how you will deal with roadblocks and challenges.
  6. Be specific about what you will do when/if someone wants to change or undermine your choice.

At the top of the page write the date you will begin. Make a calendar invitation for yourself.  When the day comes, do it!

  • The truth is, one day trying out a new habit can give us tools to confront fears and test suppositions.
  • In one day, we can practice mastery and learn more about ourselves.
  • Over the course of that one day, we can taste success.

At the end of the day, write down how it went.
Describe what you thought or hoped would happen … and compare it to what DID happen. Aim for truth and clarity.
Everything you learn about yourself during that one-day process is helpful and can be applied to how you will form new, successful habits in the future.
You may even consider making a one-day test run, one of your long-term helpful habits.
It works!

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