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Today’s Sales Leadership Question = Because – With – In spite of

Here is an end-of-summer reflection for you. Are the salespeople on your team where they are today:
because of you, with you, or in spite of you?

It may seem like an uncomfortable question, you might be wondering if there is a RIGHT answer, or you might think it is ridiculous to even contemplate.

Let me see if I can explain this in a way that makes more sense. Everyone who has had multiple bosses over the course of their career would probably tell you that some of them helped their careers, others hindered them, and some were just there.

Today take a moment and ask yourself – are the salespeople on your team where they are today: because of you, with you, or in spite of you?

Because of You

If the salespeople on your team are successful OR unsuccessful because of you. That means you are playing an active role in their daily sales adventures.

  • when they are successful, you view it as your success.
  • when they are unsuccessful, you should also be taking responsibility.

With You

Perhaps instead, you see the relationship as being with them, the salesperson, and your success and/or failure are all tied together.

  • when they are successful, you bask in the glow and are successful too.
  • when they are unsuccessful, you are with them figuring it all out.

In Spite of You

Yet again, maybe there are some active things you do that end up holding people back OR if asked by an outsider, the salesperson would say you just don’t do anything at all.

  • when they are successful, you aren’t really sure how they got there.
  • when they are unsuccessful, you don’t see it as any fault of yours.

Of course, nothing in sales can be viewed as black or white. It may be that you fall into each one of these categories depending on the individual you are thinking of when you ask the question.

It will also depend on how you define your role with the people who are on your team.

One thing is for sure, each person on your sales team has an opinion of whether they are where they are today: because of you, with you, or in spite of you.
Successfully yours,

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