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Sales Joyfulness

Play – Enthusiasm – Joyfulness: perhaps you’ve been thinking that the past month of Chip off the Block newsletters seem overly happy and upbeat.
Here is the deal… I think I needed to be reminded that although work is a 4-letter word, career isn’t.
Inside Sales is my career and has been for the past 25 years 8 months (and counting). I love what I do, yet there are still days I forget that.
How about you?

  • Days that make you roll your eyes…
  • Times you’d rather do ANYTHING other than make one more call…
  • Moments where the weight of the negative drags you down…
  • That hang up is the straw that breaks your attitude…
  • Insert your own frustration here…

So, while I love to share information, knowledge, and perhaps a sprinkling of wisdom – it felt important to bring a few smiles to your inside sales world.
Joyfully Yours,

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