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Sales Process Labyrinth vs. Maze

Sales professionals know how important having a repeatable sales process is to their success, as well as working hard to bringing their prospects and customers along their sales process path.

However, many times the prospect/customer feels like they’re walking a maze full of dead ends and blind alleys.

For this reason, my recommendation is to simplify and make it into a labyrinth instead.

Historically speaking the labyrinth is a winding path to the center – the key being; although meandering it ends up in one place, eliminating the confusion and dead ends of a maze.

Here are a few ideas on how to simplify your sales process… warning the process of simplification isn’t simple in and of itself!

  1. Uncover your best prospects and customers’ buying process.
  2. Figure out how your sales process fits into THEIR buying process.
  3. Connect the dots for them, making the path easy to follow.
  4. Make the turns with them, guiding them along as you walk together.
  5. Be sure it’s interesting to go through, with the knowledge to be gained along the way.

If you’d like me to walk along with you, guiding people along this journey is part of the work I do with inside sales organizations.


ps: if you’re interested in adding Labyrinths into your world, check out The Labyrinth Society’s YouTube channel, and if you’re able to make it out and walk in Bandon Oregon send me pictures.

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