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A million little things about building trust!

Everyone knows that people buy from people they trust, as well as understanding that taking the right actions is required to earn it before a sale happens.

Yet, most salespeople don’t consciously put effort into building trust in every interaction.

  • I’ll call you back next Tuesday… and you do
  • Once you ________, I’ll get started… and you do
  • It sounds like my next step is _____… and you do
  • I’ll send you an email… and you do
  • If we ______, will that fix the problem… and you do
  • I’ll get you a sample… and you do
  • You’ll have that information by ________… and you do

Ok, I didn’t give you a million options, it is the million little things you commit to doing AND do that build trust.

Or perhaps it’s only one; saying what you commit to … and you do it.

Act Accordingly

  1. Say what you’ll be doing.
  2. Gain commitment from your prospect/customer that is the right action.
  3. Do what you said you’d do.

When things go AWRY (and they will…)

As important as doing what you say you’ll do is to let people know things are going / have gone awry. Showing your prospects and customers commitment means something to you,  is critical to your success.

  • I committed to ________, we need a little more time…
  • I have to apologize, I said _____________ – yet instead ___________ happened.
  • We agreed to ________, unfortunately, it didn’t happen that way.

Through the millions of little things you say you’ll do – then actually accomplish; you will prove you’re reliable, show consistency, gain commitment, speak with sincerity, demonstrate competence, and confirm your integrity.

Trust me 😊

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