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11 Ideas for Revenue Growth

Eleven Ideas that grow front-line revenues (in no particular order):

  1. Decide what ‘revenue growth’ you’re looking for!
  2. Create your ideal customer profile THEN develop a way you will ‘hear’ those characteristics when you’re on the phone with them.
  3. Write a recommendation for your clients after an engagement – what did you enjoy about working with them?
  4. Have a clearly defined prospecting methodology that maps out a ‘touch’ every 4 to 7 days over a month for your top prospects… then do it – consistently.
  5. When you talk with people always talk about what you DO for them…. not what you do.
  6. Read something that will help your target market monthly – then share your top insights about it with them (need an example? Check out Actionable Books for 1155).
  7. Collaborate – who can make what you offer even BETTER for your prospects and customers?
  8. Are you delivering content to attract the people who make decisions to buy what you’re selling OR the people who use what you sell? (you need to do both)
  9. Do at least one thing DAILY that you can directly tie to one of your BIG goals… which means that you have to have a BIG goal that you are working toward!
  10. Before you call a prospect OR customer – know how the conversation will HELP them, and make sure you use language that talks about that result.
  11. Make sure you pick ONE thing you commit to doing that you learn today before the week is over and another before the month is over.

Time to put all this to work for myself,

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