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Everyone is in sales! (a cautionary tale)

to protect the guilty we are going to call the businesses involved in my tale “the Point” and “the Place” – they two divisions of the same company and located in close proximity to each other BUT offer very different services.

A prospect called into “the Point” asking about a service that they didn’t offer. The person who answered the phone said she was very sorry but they weren’t able to help. The end.

The prospect then went away and started looking at other organizations to work with. When speaking with someone he knew the prospect was asked if he’d called “the Place” – he replied; I talked to a woman at “the Point” and she said they weren’t able to help.

The prospect then heard that “the Point” can’t but “the Place” does.

(insert confusion here) He asked – aren’t they the same company? Yes but each division offers different service level.

Wouldn’t you think they’d mention that when I called?

While I’m sure the woman at “the Point” was busy and in the middle of lots of tasks when the prospect called in – it is CRAZY that she didn’t even mention the division… located next door… could help!

“the Point” could have quickly made buying from “the Place” simple for the prospect by transferring the call – or at least giving the correct phone number.

As the sales leader, take a walk around your company this week. You probably know everyone is in sales… the question is, do they?

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