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Sales Superstitions

When I googled “sales superstitions” I got About 801,000 results (0.52 seconds) I found it funny that the top 3 results had EITHER the number 7 or 13 in the title.

superstition = a false conception of causation

at least according to Merriam Webster (definition 1a part 4)

Here is the thing; I don’t know that it matters to the person holding onto a superstitious thought that the causation is false (or even ludicrous).

There is a lot of talk about self-belief in sales… yes I had to go google that About 67,000,000 results (0.65 seconds) … how is that any different than a superstition?

For goodness sakes how many salespeople have been told to “fake it until you make it.” or even Tom Hopkins’ “begin always expecting good things to happen.”

More important – in my opinion – is to understand the things that we (individually) believe are true. Then to make sure those beliefs are helping us be the most successful we can be.

That polka dotted pocket square can give you confidence. Being the first meeting of your prospect’s day, might mean they’re not as distracted. Holding onto that pen that signed your first big deal can remind you what it takes to be great.

Leverage your superstitions – BUT don’t be held back by them: if your polka dots are in the laundry, meeting is at 3:00pm, or the prospect picks up their own pen.

you can also check out my 2013 post; Sales Success – Is it LUCK or SKILL?

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