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challenge AND reward yourself

On a recent morning I kept allowing myself to be distracted… by snow.

I was supposed to be writing. Then I realized I was almost out of coffee, not in the house, in my snow bird mug.

I challenged myself to get a blog post completed before I allowed myself another cup of coffee. That would be my reward for meeting my commitment.

I realized I do that a lot during my day.

Create little micro challenges for myself with a reward at the end, here are a few examples:

  • 30 dials – then walk with the dog
  • get all four requests for info over to the right people before grabbing a snack
  • write a voicemail/email combination for a piece of chocolate

Not earth shattering: either on the challenge or reward side. Yet some times it puts a little joyfulness into something that might otherwise feel like chore.

Try it the next time you’ve got something you don’t want to do. Let me know if it works for you as well.

now I’ve earned that refill, have a great day.

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