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Success Amplification – it’s NOT complicated!

Success Amplification sounds; complicated, difficult, and scary. It’s NOT! I haven’t figured out a simpler title to call it.

Success Amplification is taking the sales you RECENTLY made and use it to sell more.

Internal to the Client

  1. more of the same: depending on what you’re selling, perhaps you can sell MORE of it to the same people you recently sold to!
  2. other stuff to the same people: what additional “sets” or products / services could you sell them?
  3. introductions & referrals: depending on the organization’s size – who else buys what you sell? Get an introduction meeting scheduled, ask your happy client to send them an introduction email and cc: you, or at least their names and contact details.

External to the Broader Marketplace

Please note: this is all about the problem you solved or business goal you helped someone achieve NOT what you sold them!!!!

  1. introductions & referral: who do the people/person you made happy know… who also need what you do?
    a. check their LinkedIn contacts for people you’ve been prospecting who haven’t converted into customers and request an introduction!
    b. have a well defined ideal customer profile you can ask them if they know anyone who looks like THAT
    c. use the success you just helped them with and ask who they know that could use the same support
  2. amplification: how can you publicly use your recent successes as proof to prospects (or other customers) of what you can do for them?

If you are currently thinking to yourself that there really isn’t anything new here… you’re correct. Before you ditch this idea and move on with your day:

count the times you’ve done each of the three internal success amplification steps in the past 2-weeks

go back and look at the DATE of the last time you did any of the success amplification options to your broader marketplace

…do something today for your success amplification!

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