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Leadership Spring Cleaning

In April one of the Chip off the Block newsletters was on Sales Spring Cleaning and after a conversation with a sales leader recently I thought it would make sense to talk about Leadership Spring Cleaning!

Go through your team and ask:

1. Do they still fit?
2. Do they make the company money?
3. How often do they hit goal?
4. Why are they even here?

Yes I know we are talking about human beings here, peoples’ livelihood, their careers.

Yet, like customers – there needs to be an evaluation of value to the team when it comes to salespeople. It’s NOT only about money, questions 1 and 4 are about more than the numbers. Never forget that it is partially about production.

Combine their monetary and intrinsic value to your team to decide who:

  • needs a bit of coaching to be a better employee
  • lacks a specific skill that can be learned, then set up training
  • isn’t a good fit for their role, but is a great employee
  • needs to find another job

If you’d like assistance looking at the people on your team more objectively – email me!

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