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5 seconds can change your life! Inspired by Alice Kemper @bestsalestips

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

“If you don’t take action on the idea in 5 seconds, you will kill it” is what inspired me in 5 Seconds to Powerful Decisions

I’m afraid to even admit to myself how many times I’ve killed my own idea by overthinking the WHAT IFs involved.

Ideas that were ready to blast off, that my brain’s mission control stopped with my internal version of ‘Houston we have a problem.’

Alice gave voice to something I’d not considered fully, it’s not minutes that matter to my brain – it’s seconds.

That doesn’t mean allowing unthinking reactions to take place. Because making a decision is action to my brain.

Example #1
uncover something about someone on your team that makes you want to scream at them… instead write up a meeting plan for yourself (like you would a call plan for a prospect or customer) and send a meeting request to the rep.

You’ve done something, made sure you didn’t let it slide, and taken action to address it WHILE using your emotional intelligence skills.

Example #2
you find out something awesome about someone on your team that makes you want to jump for joy. Instead of waiting for your next team meeting, you walk into the gray cubes of love and give them immediate kudos in front of their teammates… AND add it to the next meeting’s agenda.

Example #3
you think of a potential solution to a problem that has been plaguing your organization. 5-4-3-2-dial the person in charge of the “thing” and express that you have an idea to share, it isn’t fully formed – you believe talking about it may make it even better.

It doesn’t have to be huge, Alice talks about your alarm going off and making sure you get out of bed instead of hitting snooze.

Every time you find yourself deciding – stop thinking and take action in 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – GO.

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